• broken image

    Please know

    this Wonder Woman ME

    is being targeted

    A person being targeted

    is someone made to be viewed disgusting in the public eye

    when in reality,

    they are a very good person

    look up what happens

    to a 'targeted individual'

    - it's not what you think

    All three - my - 'see this' page, 'WTF' page, and 'OMG' page - they all SPEAK VOLUMES

  • " Family, and anyone that knows me,

    have been bamboozled "

    "For SANITY,

    I do art"

    Major Arcana  tarot cards


    broken image

    0 - Fool

    " I painted the bird on a clients laundry room cabinet. The egg was cracked open for my tarot card.

    The dog is a look alike of a coonhound dog I used to own."


    Click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening

    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all

    broken image

    1 - Magician

    " I built this rabbit in my backyard of the house I used to own."


    Click the link or tarot card

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    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all

    broken image

    2 - High Preistess

    " The high preistess images came from four different types of artwork of mine."


    Click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening

    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all



    broken image

    3 - Empress

    " I created the empress image using two different oil paintings of mine and added part of an actual pregnancy picture."


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening


    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all

    broken image

    4 - Emperor

    " I built the emperor image using parts of three different paintings of mine."


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening

    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all

    broken image

    5 - Heirophant

    " I painted the columns on a wall for a job. The heirophant and student image was created by me using parts of three diffent paintings of mine."


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening

    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all



    broken image

    6 - Lovers

    " The lovers card image comes from two different paintings of mine."


    click the link or tarot card

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    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all

    broken image

    7 - The Chariot

    " I painted a train mural in a childs room and the horses came from another mural."


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening


    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all

    broken image

    8 - Strength

    " The super strength card image originated from a life-size oil painting of mine, and I added the pink hardhat to show it's me."


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening

    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all



    broken image

    9 - Hermit

    " The hermit image is an artwork of mine, a technique I invented when I was a student in college."

    click the link or tarot card

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    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all

    broken image

    10 - Wheel of Fortune

    " This image evoloved by first creating with parts from a pool game mural I painted in a clients home."


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening

    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all

    broken image

    11 - Justice

    " I painted myself as the statue of liberty. I combined that painting with a actual photo of me. The columns were also created by me, I painted them on a wall in a clients home."


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening

    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all



    broken image

    12 - Hanged man

    " This is a combination of a clients wall mural and an oil painting of mine."


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening

    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justicePREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com/2all

    broken image

    13 - Death

    " This is part of a larger mural. The face is from a photographic process of mine."


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening

    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all

    broken image

    14 - Temperance

    " The figure is a self portrait oil painting. The water images come from two different murals of mine."


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening

    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all



    broken image

    15 - devil

    " The dragon, I have duplicated, is from a mural I painted. The upside down pentagram comes from a tile mural of mine - (it was only job, in thirty years, that the client didn't pay me for my work)."


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening

    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justicePREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com/2all

    broken image

    16 - Tower

    " The background is from a mural of mine. The other images are from an actual photo of my dog and a self portarait oil painting."


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening

    YOU as an individual reading this

    use your heartfelt reaction

    broken image

    17 - Star

    " This image background comes from a mural I painted, and the nude firgure is from an oil painting of mine."


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening

    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all



    broken image

    18 -moon

    " Most of this image is from a canvas painting of mine."


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening

    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all

    broken image

    19 -sun

    " The sunflowers are from my canvas paintings and the dog portrait I painted, is of a beagle I used to have."


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening

    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justicePREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com/2all

    broken image

    20 - Judgement

    People have

    one shadow

    the big ugly one

    is a lie


    click the link or tarot card

    Know what's happening 

    If the link has been made to not work,

    you need to type the address yourself

    justice PREVAIL (dot) wixsite (dot) com /2all